Ancient Yoga Modalities For Modern Living


There IS something right with you,

You just may have forgotten.

Yoga can help us to remember.

Schedule a Yoga Therapy session below.

Online Series Courses

Yoga for Anxiety & Depression Online Series

Thank you so much for investing in your mental health with the practice of Yoga! I hope that this information and these practices continue to support you long after you have watched and practice along with these videos. This class series is specifically designed to meet the practitioner suffering with anxiety and/or depression. We touch on the topic of grief as it touches many lives. We ALL have an innate ability to heal. *This practice is not meant to replace the care of a doctor.

Back Care Series

These 1 hour take - any time classes are aimed at helping you to alleviate back pain. My intention for this series is that you develop a weekly practice over the course of the month and that the take-aways support you in keeping a short and realistic practice a part of your life moving forward. Taking one class per week is recommended, but move at your own pace! Each class includes subtle core work, stretches that target areas that impact our spines, breath-work, and relaxation

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